The game of  protecting the Earth from the dreaded Mysterons
The Mysterons have a new secret weapon. They may gain temporary control of a target without having to destroy it before hand and they are trying it out. The world president is racing to get to London Airport to whisk him off to safety in an MSV (a Maximum Security Vehicle) driven by Colonel White and is accompanied by a body guard of 4 SPVs and 4 Spectrum patrol cars. Four players run a team each of one SPV and one Patrol car. These are the Red, Blue, Green and Yellow teams. There is also a Spectrum helicopter - but who knows if it has been Mysteronised Colonel White is about to retire - this is his last mission - and he has made it known that whoever performs well in this mission, he will consider him as prime material as his replacement. The objective for the players is to look good in the eyes of Colonel White and get his job! To do this they must help in this the current mission and get the President in the MSV off of the game board and out of danger. The player who succeeds in doing this is the winner and will surely be the next colonel in charge of cloudbase. If the president in the MSV is killed, the winner is the one to get to the airport first by getting off the end of the board. But - if a Mysteronised  player manages to kill the World President and Colonel White, that will probably mean a big Martian medel when he gets back home! So: will it be Colonel Scarlet or Captain Blue? Or will Captain Ochre rise form obscurity or Lieutenant Green get rapid promotion? Or has a player been taken over by the Mysterons has an ulterior motive: to kill the President? Only you can tell…
Spectrum Patrol Car Home Information Warfare Salute Galleries Welcome Captain Scarlet and the rest of the Spectrum operatives in a convoy to London Airport The plot thickens... Spectrum Persuit Vehicle Home Galleries